Stalking Goannas
Early up, sort of early, some were around at six, the light had been with us for about thirty minutes by then. Al made a cuppa and within thirty minutes we were all up and eating breakfast and having our coffee and tea.
Yet again the river had dropped and was getting close to the normal levels now. The girls hit the river about seven and Al and I were not long after them. We went up to campsite nine near a small creek that comes in from the North. Harley caught a couple of keepers and Al and I both caught fish
We did lunch with seafood mornay; it consisted of canned shrimps, the two fish from Harley and pasta with crostini. It was a great cooperative effort and very yummy. We devised a plan to fish again in the afternoon. This was our new pattern. The main meal in the middle of the day, and a snack and nibbles for in the evening, this would let us fish until dusk and not have to wash too many dishes in the evening.

In the afternoon we found we were playing hosts to at least two Goannas’s, they patrolled the campsite and around the river near the canoes. , Charlie had always wanted to whittle, and she had a knife and some stick so she whittled herself a spear to catch the Goanna. Picture this, Charlie stalking Goannas through the bush, with her red-checked flanny hat on using a spear she had fashioned with a pocket knife. Well! it was really a super knife with all the tools on it, a bit like a Swiss army knife but more of a utility. It kept her amused and the Goanna’s were never in any danger from her.