I watched across the room in silence like a voyeur as this stranger was about to take part in a most disgusting ritual. On this young Chinese gentleman’s desk, was a stained brown jar partly filled with a murky looking fluid partly covered a tangle of decomposing green and brown leaves and stalks? Reaching for the jar, his actions lead me to believe that he was within seconds’ of celebrating an ugly ritual which I had seen from time to time in Beijing. He would be pouring this revolting mix contained in his jar down his very own throat. I mentally pleaded with the lad not to go through with it, but short of physically rushing across the room and removing it from his hands I could not prevent him. My stomach heaved as the jar reached his lips and he swilled the liquid. He removed the jar from his face and in a sign of bravado brushed his lips with his shirt sleeve. A thin smile grew across his lower face as he placed the jar back on his desk and returned his work on his computer
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